Onion bulb extracts are good for hair growth as they contain sulfur. When applied to the scalp, onion bulb extracts provide the extra sulfur for stronger and thicker hair. This sulfur also stimulates collagen production which in turn aids in the production of healthy scalp cells, hair growth and also helps in treating thin hair.
Plant amino acid complex helps to restore the health and strength of your hair whilst also improving the colour of your hair if you have bleached or dyed it. It prevents your hair from heat damage or any damage caused due to gel, hair spray and other such products. It improves the elasticity of your hair, specifically when your hair has low porosity and weak hair follicles. It has the ability to stop excessive loss of hair. It retains moisture and aids in the rapid growth of healthy hair.
Organic coffee extract is a great ingredient for hair growth. It promotes hair growth, fights hair loss, improves hair texture, exfoliates the scalp and also improves the natural hair colour.